What the Experts Say

What are the pressing challenges facing global governance? And how can multilateral actors rise to meet them? Experts from within the ENSURED project and our broader network weigh in on ways to make multilateralism fit for purpose.

All blog posts are published in collaboration with Global Policy Opinion.
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“A Rather Sober Experience”: Insights from the WTO's 13th Ministerial Conference
trade and inequality
trade and inequality
Blog Post

“A Rather Sober Experience”: Insights from the WTO's 13th Ministerial Conference

Issues like geopolitical gridlock and complex trade agendas hamper the World Trade Organization in fulfilling its mandate. What happened at the recent conference? And what role does the EU have to play in global trade governance? Leading expert Manfred Elsig, a professor at the University of Bern, answers some key questions.
From the Coordinators: The ENSURED Vision
Blog Post

From the Coordinators: The ENSURED Vision

ENSURED has an exciting 30 months ahead. As we get started, we want to reflect on the questions that set the project in motion and what is coming down the pipeline.