Panel: Effectiveness, Robustness, and Democracy of International Institutions

Panel: Effectiveness, Robustness, and Democracy of International Institutions
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This ISA panel presents research on international institutions in the realms of climate change, global trade, and migration.
ISA Conference (Chicago, USA)
16:00-17:45 EST
For ISA Participants

The rules-based international order and multilateralism are widely believed to be in crisis. Global power shifts and the rise of populist forces have led to contestation of global governance often resulting in a gridlock of international cooperation. International organisations are subject to increasing geo-politicisation, while pressing global challenges such as climate change, global pandemics, and rising inequality remain unresolved.

At the International Studies Association (ISA)'s 66th Annual Convention, this ENSURED panel will bring together conceptual and empirical contributions that unpack the contestation and defense of global governance institutions. We ask: how can policy makers defend and transform global governance to make it more robust, effective and democratic? Can global governance be effective, robust and democratic at the same time, and what dilemmas emerge for policymakers? Where does unexploited potential of global governance transformation exit, and where do actors prefer alternatives to institutional reform?

Empirically, this panel is broken up into five parts and presents research on international institutions in the realms of climate change, global trade, and migration:

  • Part 1: Why Some Intergovernmental Organisations Are More Egalitarian Than Others?
  • Part 2: Global Governance Transformations: A Conceptual Framework
  • Part 3: Democratic Climate Governance? Non-state Actors in the UNFCCC
  • Part 4: Reform, Resurrection, Relevance? The (In)Effectiveness of the World Trade Organization and its Prominence in Public and Elite Images of Global Trade
  • Part 5: Global Governance Transformation in Migration: Conceptual and Empirical Findings

Chairs: Clara Weinhardt and Hylke Dijkstra (Maastricht University) 

Discussants: Kai Michael Kenkel (PUC-Rio) and Charles B. Roger (Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals)

Speakers: Ha Eun Choi (University of Georgia), Andrea Liese (University of Potsdam), Thomas Sommerer (University of Potsdam), Clara Weinhardt (Maastricht University), Hylke Dijkstra (Maastricht University), Franziska Petri (KU Leuven), Katja Biedenkopf (KU Leuven), Michal Parizek (Charles University), and Lilian Tsourdi (Maastricht University)

In this panel, we will also present on the conceptual framework of the ENSURED project. To learn more on these topics and receive our latest emails, sign up for the ENSURED newsletter.

Photo: Matthew TenBruggencate / Unsplash (CC BY-SA 4.0)
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