International Institutions, Systemic Reform, and Global Governance Transformation

Clara Weinhardt
International Institutions, Systemic Reform, and Global Governance Transformation
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Is it possible for global governance be effective, robust, and democratic at the same time? An event summary from ENSURED's 2025 ISA Panel.

We hear it on repeat: The rules-based international order and multilateralism are widely believed to be in crisis. Global power shifts and the rise of populist forces have led to the contestation of global governance principles, which often leaves international cooperation in a gridlock. International organisations are subject to increasing geo-politicisation, while pressing global challenges like climate change, global pandemics, and rising inequality remain unresolved.

At the International Studies Association (ISA)'s 66th Annual Convention, ENSURED put together a panel that brought together conceptual and empirical contributions to unpack the contestation and defense of global governance institutions. The following questions were at the heart of our discussions: How can policymakers defend and transform global governance to make it more robust, effective, and democratic? Is it possible for global governance be effective, robust, and democratic at the same time, and what dilemmas emerge for policymakers? Where are there unexploited avenues for global governance transformation, and where might actors prefer alternatives to institutional reform?

The panel, chaired by Hylke Dijkstra and Clara Weinhardt (Maastricht University), brought together conceptual and empirical contributions from the project. Ha Eun (Potsdam University) presented ENSURED's conceptual framework and highlighted how we can analyse global governance through the lenses of democracy, effectiveness, and robustness. Empirically, our panel presented research on international institutions in the realms of climate change, global trade, and migration. On climate change, Katja Biedenkopf (KU Leuven) gave an input on the role of non-state actors in the UNFCCC negotiations, analysing the EU's side-events within these larger negotiations. Michal Parizek (Charles University Prague) added insights into ongoing reform efforts at the World Trade Organization. He argued that many challenges stem from members’ differing understandings of the organisation’s effectieness. Lilian Tsourdi (Maastricht University) presented an overview of the global governance landscape on migration, and highlighted initial empirical findings.

Curious for more? Findings from our consortium’s research in these issue areas and beyond will be coming soon, so make sure to subsribe to the ENSURED newsletter.

A few shots from the ENSURED's 2025 ISA Panel, featuring members of our expert network!

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